
All My Relations

Native Earth is all who have fed the soil on which we live out our stories.

All who founded the company nearly thirty years ago, those who built up our indigenous canon from a will to create and a strength in story that drives them through, continuing to enrich our canon today. Native Earth is every person who has crossed paths with those stories, as designers, directors, actors, producers, audience members, students and teachers. We are every playwright who has been newly inspired to create because of that canon, and who needs a place to nourish a seedling story. We are every storyteller who has yet to come into being.

As I look around me, newly planted as I am in this position, I know that I see only a small part of what I have been entrusted with. The enormity of this legacy reminds me to look beyond myself, near and far, to witness the ever-strengthening circle we are becoming.  I am galvanized and I am grateful. I ask you, in humility, to remind me that I am here to honour our elders, to walk along with you, and to contribute to the growth of our young ones.  I invite you to tread forward with us. The earth supports our every move.

All My Relations,
Tara Beagan

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