Punctuate! Theatre and Alberta Aboriginal Performing Arts Co-Production in Association with Native Earth and Theatre Centre
A multi-disciplinary dark comedy about the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline, Bears asks what the hell it is we think we’re doing in Wild Rose Country.
The prime suspect in a workplace accident, Floyd has to get out of town fast. Pursued by the RCMP, he heads through the Rockies for Burnaby, B.C, along the route of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline. By the time he reaches the Pacific, Floyd has experienced changes—his gait widening, his muscles bulging, his sense of smell heightening…
Starring Sheldon Elter, creator and performer of Dora nominated Métis Mutt, Bears features a chorus of contemporary dancers choreographed by seven-time Dora Award nominee Monica Dottor.
Few issues facing Canadians are attracting as much attention as the tar sands and the proposed massive expansion of their exploitation. Unapologetically political, Bears was nominated for five Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Awards and won in two categories.