2017/2018 Season Weesageechak

Henrietta Baird: “Without Our Art, We have nothing”

We’re thrilled to host Australia’s Moogahlin Performing Arts for a second year at Weesageechak Begins to Dance, this year featuring Kuku Yalanji/Yidinji playwright Henrietta Baird‘s work The Weekend. 

“Being an Aboriginal woman from a different country, I think [Weesageechak] is a great opportunity to present my script. It’s a festival where all Indigenous artists can be inspired and share our culture and our stories. A place to learn to be strong in our views as artists and what we believe in.”

The Weekend shares an intimate story of Baird and her experiences as a young mother trekking through a world of public housing, drug dealing, and threats of losing her children.

“I want the audience to walk away with a strong emotional effect, to know where you come from and what you believe in.”

“I want the audience to walk away with a strong emotional effect, to know where you come from and what you believe in.” Through this piece, Baird reminds us that whatever life throws at you, however complicated it may be, just hang in there. “Your situation will change, so keep going and never give up. You can be the inspiration.”

Taking inspiration from her mother, grandmothers, aunties and other strong women, powerful resilient women are main characters to Baird’s stories. “Telling me stories, showing my places, and teaching me about my culture, without these women, I probably wouldn’t be who I am today.”

Make sure to catch The Weekend on Thursday, November 16th!

More from Henrietta Baird

What piece are you looking forward to seeing at W30?
I’m not sure at the moment but I want to see as much possible.

Where do you find your inspiration for your creative work?
Myself I believe that I have a certain way of telling stories and this is just the start so I would love to be a part of this festival so that I can be inspired from other Indigenous artists and storytellers.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Keep writing.

Do you have any advice for Indigenous creators just coming onto the scene?
Yes, keep following your dreams. Never give up. Try to be a part of many performances. See as many shows as possible. Everyone is an inspiration to be sponge. Look at what you can bring to the table as you are also the inspiration for others.

What are your thoughts on addressing political topics through Indigenous art?
Political topics being addressed through Indigenous art is a great way to get people to understand our views.

What does Indigenous art mean to you?
A way to connect to others and tell show them who we are and tell our stories. Without our Art, we have nothing. If we lose our Art – stories, songs, art works, dances, we lost who we are. That’s why it’s important to keep it going.

What is coming up next for you?
I will be performing with a group in Cairns in December. I will be working with kids and choreographing a work looking at using fire and hopefully collaborating with other Indigenous artists from Canada.

See Henrietta Baird’s The Weekend on
Friday, November 16th @ 7:30pm